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Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.4300.9 - With Keygen

TuneUp Utilities baru saja update versi terbarunya yaitu TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.4300.9 - With Keygen, TuneUp Utilities 2011 merupakan sebuah software untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja Komputer atau Laptop. TuneUp Utilities dapat membuat sistem operasi Windows lebih cepat, lebih nyaman dan lebih aman hanya dengan beberapa klik. Dan semua operasi yang dilakukan pada sistem operasi benar-benar aman, karena semua perubahan yang dipantau oleh TuneUp Rescue Center dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja.

Semua kerja TuneUp Utilities dapat diakses melalui interface umum yang terbagi menjadi enam kategori. Perangkat lunak ini sangat membantu baik bagi pemula maupun yang ahli untuk membuat Windows memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan cara yang lebih baik, lebih mudah dan aman. Semua sistem penting dijelaskan dengan cara yang mudah dan dapat diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan dengan klik dari mouse anda. TuneUp Utilities akan membuat perubahan yang diperlukan dalam registri atau file boot secara otomatis.

TuneUp Speed Optimizer
Which settings slow your computer down? Which unnecessary services or programs are running in the background? Is your Internet connection optimally configured? TuneUp Speed Optimizer knows the answers to all these questions. It examines your entire system for bottlenecks, superfluous background programs, and incorrect settings. Great: with just one click you can carry out most optimizations very quickly. In addition, TuneUp Speed Optimizer provides suggestions for speeding up your system.

TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Cleaning up your working environment is tedious: removing invalid shortcuts from the Start menu, the Desktop, and the Quick Launch bar is very time-consuming. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner now does the work for you. It checks whether all shortcuts are valid and removes the orphaned ones with just a click of a button. At the same time, empty folders are removed from the Start menu. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner also checks frequently used programs and cleans up the list of recently opened files.

Support for the Opera browser
After hard disk defragmentation, which we introduced in TuneUp Utilities 2009, the feature most requested by customers was support for the Opera browser. TuneUp Utilities 2011 now also includes full support for Opera. Via several special Opera settings, TuneUp System Control now allows you to change the number of Speed Dial entries, conveniently choose your default search engine, and reenable fast backward and forward navigation. Internet optimization lets you optimize Opera's performance for your Internet connection. Free up disk space lets you delete the Opera cache.

TuneUp Styler
Now you can also change the Vista logo animation which appears just before logon. You can download a whole series of great animations from the TuneUp website. Or, if you prefer, you can choose your own personal image to display while Vista starts up. With Vista, you can also add your own images to Vista's logon screen: With just a few mouse clicks you can create a truly personal logon experience.

TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Redesigned from the ground up, TuneUp Install Manager now runs much faster and has a new, even more intuitive interface so that it is even easier to uninstall unnecessary programs. Unnecessary programs often are forgotten because they were installed a long time ago and then not used. TuneUp Utilities 2009 shows you a list of programs not used for a long time so that you can target for uninstallation those applications that use valuable disk space and in certain circumstances even slow your system down.

TuneUp StartUp Manager
A smooth-running system results when there are no unnecessary autostart applications. The improved TuneUp Startup Manager organizes your programs into groups and provides clear explanations to make it easier for you to identify those programs that are not needed.New automatic startup programs are now highlighted so that you can disable unwanted entries more easily. System start tasks are now also listed in TuneUp StartUp Manager In Vista, in particular, scheduled tasks are used in place of autostart entries.

Free up disk space
The already rapid display of disk space to be freed up is now even faster on NTFS drives. And now it is so easy to delete even more unnecessary files, like the backup files for the first Windows Vista service pack and the Opera and Safari caches. The second "Free up disk space" module that helps you turn off Windows functions that use excessive disk space has also been enhanced. The Windows Search index can now be disabled and deleted with a single click. This makes particular sense if you are already using a different search engine. In addition, TuneUp Disk Space Explorer now runs faster and no longer requires that an entire drive be analyzed. You can now specify that only those folders be analyzed that you are really interested in.

Lots more improvements
Along with the totally new features, there are a series of improvements that are not immediately visible. There are small improvements like Tooltips in the main window, a substantial increase in the number of problems that can be found byTuneUp Registry Cleaner, and better progress feedback from TuneUp Drive Defrag. But there are also big improvements "under the hood". Two good examples are a completely reworked installation program and significant improvements in our update technology.

Source :

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Color Effect Pro 3.0 - With Serial

Color Efex Pro ™ 3.0 merupakan filter fotografi terkemuka untuk fotografi digital. Pemenang penghargaan Efex Pro 3.0 filter yang banyak digunakan oleh banyak fotografer profesional hari ini di seluruh dunia untuk menghemat waktu dan mendapatkan hasil tingkat profesional. Apakah Anda memilih Edisi Lengkap, Pilih Edisi, atau Edisi Standar, Anda akan mendapatkan filter tradisional dan stylizing yang menawarkan kemungkinan hampir tak terbatas untuk meningkatkan dan mengubah gambar dengan cepat dan mudah.

Teknologi Nik menyediakan control akhir selektif menerapkan perangkat tambahan tanpa perlu apapun, lapisan rumit masker atau pilihan. Control warna, cahaya dan nada suara di foto Anda dan menciptakan perangkat tambahan yang unik dengan hasil yang profesional. Dengan 52 filter dan lebih dari 250 efek yang ditemukan di Color Efex Pro 3.0, Anda dapat melakukan retouching kualitas tinggi, koreksi warna, dan perangkat tambahan kreatif habisnya untuk foto Anda. Update ke favorit lama seperti Klasik Soft Focus, Menggelapkan / Lighten Center, dan filter Vignette atau menggabungkannya dengan filter baru yang menarik seperti Film Efek, Glamour Glow, High Key, Tonal Kontras, Bleach Bypass, dan banyak lagi. Lihat daftar filter lengkap dengan gambar sampel di sini. Hasilnya adalah tidak kurang dari koleksi, paling lengkap yang paling berguna dari filter fotografi dapat Anda tambahkan ke toolkit Anda.

Nik Software Color Efex Pro™ 3.0 filters are the leading photographic filters for digital photography. The award-winning Color Efex Pro 3.0 filters are widely used by many of today's professional photographers around the world to save time and get professional level results. Whether you choose the Complete Edition, Select Edition, or Standard Edition, you’ll get traditional and stylizing filters that offer virtually endless possibilities to enhance and transform images quickly and easily.

Patented U Point® technology provides the ultimate controlto selectively apply enhancements without the need for any complicated masks, layers or selections. Control color, light and tonality in your images and create unique enhancements with professional results. With 52 filters and over 250 effects found in Color Efex Pro 3.0, you can perform high quality retouching, color correction, and endless creative enhancements to your photographs.

System Requirements
  • Windows XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7
  • AMD or Intel processor
  • 2GB RAM (4GB or more Recommended)
  • Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 through CS5 (Complete Edition Only)
  • Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 through CS4 (Standard & Select Edition Only)
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 through 9
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® 2.3 through 3.0 or later
  • Capture NX 2 from Nikon Corporation (excludes Color Efex Pro 3.0 Standard Edition)
  • 32-bit and 64-bit (Complete Edition Only) compatibl

Source :

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Periksa dan Update Driver dengan Driver Checker 2.7

Mengelola driver Windows anda dengan mudah dengan perangkat lunak Driver Checker. Driver Checker dalam dapat memindai perangkat keras Anda, mendeteksi dan memperbarui driver lama jika tersedia update drivernya. Anda juga dapat uninstall driver yang anda inginkan. Driver Checker melakukan semua ini dengan mudah, dan aplikasi ini mudah digunakan dan membuat sistem anda berjalan lebih aman, stabil dan selalu up-to-date.

Periksa Driver secara otomatis dan akan memperbarui dan memelihara driver anda: Driver Printer, Driver USB, Driver Sound / Audio, Driver Vista, Driver Bluetooth, Driver Mouse, Keyboard Driver, Driver RAID, Driver Scanner, Video Driver, Driver Modem, Driver Jaringan, Linksys Driver , Driver Webcam, Driver Grafis, Driver VGA & Driver Windows dan yang lainnya.

Feature Driver Checker:
  • Starightfoward and intuitive interface
  • Better PC performance and improved stability
  • Access to the largest drivers database in the industry
  • Continous updates for the latest manufacturer drivers
  • Submit the unavailable drivers updated in next version
  • Unlimited technical supports with our 24x7 technicians
  • Automatically update and maintain these drivers: Printer Drivers, USB Drivers, Sound/Audio Drivers, Vista Drivers, Bluetooth Drivers, Mouse Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, RAID Drivers, Scanner Drivers, Video Drivers, Modem Drivers, Network Drivers, Linksys Drivers, Webcam Drivers, Graphic Drivers, VGA Drivers & Other Windows Drivers!

Klik dibawah ini untuk mendapatkannya....

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Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Internet Download Manager 6.07 Terbaru + Key

Internet Download Manager (IDM) telah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu IDM 6.07. IDM memiliki logika download accelerator cerdas yang segmentasi file fitur cerdas dinamis dan teknologi download multipart aman untuk mempercepat download Anda. Internet Download Manager segmen download file secara dinamis selama proses download. Internet Download Manager tersedia dengan koneksi tanpa tambahan untuk mencapai kinerja percepatan yang lebih baik. Untuk mempercepat download silahkan gunakan IDM terbaru ini.

What's new in version 6.07 (Jul 2011):
- Added additional options on "Download progress" dialog
- Made a workaround for odd characters in file names when downloading from youtube
- Fixed bugs

Klik dibawah ini untuk mendapatkannya....

Cara Menggunakan SnDk&p (Key) :
- Close IDM
- Buka SnDk&p - Pilih PATCH SERVER CHECK
- Jalankan IDM - Isikan First Name, Last Name, dan Email terserah anda.
- Isikan Key-nya sesuai dengan yang tertera pada SnDk&p.
- Selesai

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